He is born in Mardin, Turkey, later to graduating from Samsun College, he studied at the Medical Faculty of Hacettepe University where he also received his certificate of ophthalmology.

He founded his private clinic in 1977 and he started working at the Ankara Educational Training and Research Hospital as a Consultant. He has become specifically well known with his studies in eye Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery field. He developed his own technique “The Şuvağ Technique” named after himself regarding the special evisceration and enucleation operations. At the same time, he improved “Acrylic Şuvağ Implant” as well. He designed the “Hydroxy Apatite Implant” specifically and used it along with his own technique for the very first the in the world. He was the first one with his studies on Phthisis Bulbi and usage of prosthesis on these patients. He modified the instrument which he named “Şuvağmeter” to measure eye and prosthesis movements. His national and international publications continued as well as his researches and presentations at congresses. Dr. Nazım Şuvağ used the phrase “Hareketli Takma Göz” for the first time which was previously called “Mobile Prosthesis” in Turkey. He collected his studies about Socket Revisions that built up with is special techniques under the name of “Simple Incision” and demonstrated success in this area. At present he continues his works at his private clinic and at the Ankara Educational Training and Research Hospital.

Besides his medical studies, his interest in Turkish Classical Music which started at a young age, developed throughout the years and continued till today. He founded the Turkish Classical Music Chorus of Hacettepe University in 1964 where he has been leading a Head of the Choir and singing ever since. He improved his skills by the education he received from valuable masters of Turkish Classical Music. He has been the Department Head of Turkish Classical Music at the Hacettepe University Faculty Of Fine Arts for 20 years.

He has numerous concerts and musicians in and out of the country along with famous artists. He has his own album of Turkish Classical Music and a video clip that has been approved throughout the audit of TRT the national television channel of the country.

He is married to Zehra Şuvağ, dentist, and has daughter and a son.

